International Petroleum Congress. 1910. Congrès international du pétrole, troisième session, Bucarest, 8-13 septembre 1907 – 1st Session, Part 1

Referenze / References

Autore / Author
International Petroleum Congress, Geological Survey of Romania
Anno / Year
Titolo / Title
International Petroleum Congress. 1910. Congrès international du pétrole, troisième session, Bucarest, 8-13 septembre 1907 - 1st Session, Part 1
Editore / Publisher
C. Göbl: Bucharest
Luogo di pubblicazione/Place of publication
Soggetto / Subject
International Petroleum Congress; Romania; Geology; Engineering; Chemistry
Lingua / Language
Tipo di Risorsa / Resource Type
Conference proceedings
Note / Notes
It is recommended this item be cited as: International Petroleum Congress, Geological Survey of Romania. 1910. Congrès international du pétrole, troisième session, Bucarest, 8-13 septembre 1907: compte-rendu. Bucarest: C. Göbl. Available online in the Petroleum History Library at