Petroleum Mining and Oil-Field Development. A guide to the exploration of petroleum lands, and a study of the engineering problems connected with the winning of petroleum, etc.

Referenze / References

Autore / Author
Thompson, Arthur Beeby
Anno / Year
Titolo / Title
Petroleum Mining and Oil-Field Development. A guide to the exploration of petroleum lands, and a study of the engineering problems connected with the winning of petroleum, etc.
Editore / Publisher
New York: D. van Nostrand
Luogo di pubblicazione/Place of publication
Soggetto / Subject
Petroleum Engineering; Petroleum Statistics; Oil & Gas; Fuels; Petroleum Exploration
Lingua / Language
Tipo di Risorsa / Resource Type
Books & e-books
Note / Notes
It is recommended this item be cited as: Thompson, Arthur Beeby. 1910. Petroleum Mining and Oil-Field Development. A guide to the exploration of petroleum lands, and a study of the engineering problems connected with the winning of petroleum, etc. New York: D. van Nostrand. Available online in the Petroleum History Library at: