Report on the Rock Oil, or Petroleum, from Venango Co., Pennsylvania, With Special Reference to its Use for Illumination and Other Purposes

Referenze / References

Autore / Author
Silliman, Benjamin
Anno / Year
Titolo / Title
Report on the Rock Oil, or Petroleum, from Venango Co., Pennsylvania, With Special Reference to its Use for Illumination and Other Purposes
Editore / Publisher
New Haven: From J.H. Benham's steam power Press
Luogo di pubblicazione/Place of publication
Soggetto / Subject
United States; Pennsylvania; Petroleum; Refining; Fractional Distillation
Lingua / Language
Tipo di Risorsa / Resource Type
Books & e-books
Note / Notes
It is recommended this item be cited as: Silliman, Benjamin. 1855. Report on the Rock Oil, or Petroleum, from Venango Co., Pennsylvania, With Special Reference to its Use for Illumination and Other Purposes. New Haven: From J.H. Benham's steam power Press. Available online in the Petroleum History Library at